Thursday 24 July 2014

Summer Shows..Summer films..

Hello to whomever may be reading this post!

  Ultimately, I would like to recommend and review some shows and films that I think are worth trying in your summer break. Apart from my current obsession, with TEEN WOLF!!!! (the television show), there are several shows and films I think are worth watching (at least once) to see if they are something that can capture your imagination and allow you to relax. 


True Blood

First of all, this HBO show is in its last season now, and though admittedly the earlier seasons were more interesting (in my opinion), I think the show as a whole, is worth a long binge watch and marathon on any lacklustre weekend. Arriving in the midst of the 'vampiric craze' that swept across all the media (seems like a lifetime ago now), the show follows the telepathic character Sookie Stackhouse (yes...the name is slightly...different) as she gets swept up in a supernatural world. Anna Paquin portrays the character Sookie which is awesome because come on....she is Rogue from Xmen...and Xmen is something that will always be awesome!!! A stereotypical love triangle is introduced in later series of the show, between Sookie and two traditional vampires called Eric Northman (Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd) and Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer). Overall, this show uses an amalgamation of both horror and romantic codes and conventions. I like the show because the creators seem to have had the ability to reinvent the show in each series. The show has evolved from the very first episode and come a long way from just being a simple show based on the books 'The Southern Vampire Mysteries', written by Charlaine Harris. 
I give the show a 3.5/5 or 4/5 (I am undecided) has plenty of good qualities..even the title sequence alone is 'Emmy-nominated' with an interesting take and portrayal of the Deep South (where the show is set). This southern gothic show is shot with a perfect mise-en-scene to fit both the horror and romance atmospheres and if you have not tried it as of yet (which is unlikely considering this recommendation comes to you six years premiered in 2008) I seriously urge you to. 

Witches of East End

This second show has seriously grown on me. I love watching supernatural shows with an element of witchcraft (because I am cool like that) and as the title suggests, this show is all about witches. At first I was worried I would lose interest with this show. The first couple of episodes, to me, seemed 'cheesy' and lacked anything unique. However, as more episodes went by, this show almost 'grew up' and is now going into a second season that seems slightly darker and even more interesting. The show centres on a family of witches (mother, aunt and two grown daughters). The witches are not just stereotypical 'double double toil and trouble' witches seen in media though, they are immortal and cursed beings whom have escaped from Asgard....on the run from Joanna Beauchamp's (Julia Ormand) is complicated. Give the show a go...that is all I can say! It may not be the most inventive or artistic show in the way it has been constructed or shot but the storyline is unique and different (once again it is based on a book). I think the show is a strong 4/5!!!

Under the Dome

Based on the novel with the same name, written by Stephen King, this sci-fi show is also on the second season now. You have probably realised now from this post, and previous posts as well, that I really like and prefer the horror and fantasy genres but this science-fiction show is surprisingly captivating. When a town gets cut-off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome, hence the name, a whole range of problems and chaos erupts amongst the inhabitants. I will not say much more, because it is the 'unexpectedness' of events that makes this show an interesting 3.5/5. Though some episodes are slower than others in narrative, the effects are well executed and the mysteries build up constantly to keep any eyes in the audience, glued to the television screen. Mike Vogel, Rachelle Lefevre and Britt Robertson are particularly great in the show! Once again, spend an afternoon watching this show and lose yourself in Stephen King's the dome a threat or is this mysterious phenomenon more friend than foe?


The Fault in Our Stars

I find it very annoying, and I know it is my own 'fault', that I always get around to a review or recommendation of a film or television show, just as the hype amongst the audience is fading. However, this is one film everyone should watch. The stark and blunt portrayal on the effects of cancer on these young characters, is sad and poignant. Based on the novel by John Green, this film is excellent if not emotional (you have to be in the right frame of mind to watch this will not be left in the happiest of moods). The issues are not avoided in this adaptation and right from the start, the inevitability of the cancer ultimately winning and 'oblivion' setting in, is alluded to. Actress Shailene Woodley portrays character Hazel Grace excellently with a sarcastic sense of humour but also as someone consumed by young love. Her dedication to Gus (Ansel Elgort) is constructed in a series of soft sad scenes, light-hearted fun, and a brilliantly composed non-diegetic soundtrack. All I can say is I did not expect much from this film but was pleasantly surprised considering it is not a genre I like to watch avidly. I hereby state this movie a 4/5..."Okay?"....."Okay".

Vampire Academy 

Finally, this movie was strongly slated by critics....and I can see why! This film suffered from poor CGI effects and action sequences clearly lacked something. However saying this, I still strongly believe the movie is worth at least a one time watch. I bought this movie for £8 even though it is newly released (which probably says a lot about the quality), solely because I am really interested in different portrayals of the vampire in modern media and how they have evolved since the traditional and original representations. Ultimately, if you are interested in vampires, even to a little extent, and have a spare hour or so, I would try this film. It admittedly has many flaws, but I think Zoey Deutch is entertaining throughout as a Dhampir (half-human and half-vampire). I think, had it been given the opportunity, maybe a different script, the film would have been successful enough for a sequel and grown with an interesting concept and supernatural world to back it further. This film is 2.5/5 and far from the worst film I have ever watched. 

And that is all folks......I will never say that not worry. The theme for these suggestions, which I have just discovered for myself, are television shows and films that have been adapted or based on existing novels. I really like when films and shows are adapted from literature and if accomplished successfully, the show or film can become an excellent companion for the book. Both types of media text can contemplate each other. I deeply hope you try at least one of these recommendations but either way, until the next post, keep on enjoying film and TV, find something that you can escape into. Enjoy your Summer...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post....sorry :)

Friday 4 July 2014

COLLEGE IS OVER!! Summer begins...kind of!

Hello World!!!

    I guess it has been quite a long time since my last post and for that I apologise. I found it considerably knackering to make it through the last few weeks of college. I very nearly had to crawl to catch the coach to Cirencester every day! But now college is over.....HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! I can now enjoy my summer and will hopefully use the time to focus on creating some videos and posters for different aspects of media. I really want to take the time to improve my practical abilities for my second year of media when I return in rest for the wicked ;)

  So, for this post, I will do something slightly different. I will not necessarily be recommending anything in particular to watch but instead, I would like to post some of my own photos from my recent travels. And when I say travels, I mean college trips to Gloucester Cathedral and Berkeley Castle and also my visits to University Open Days. Yes it is that time in my life, when I have to begin looking at what university and course I want to study and begin writing my personal statement. It is stressful! I have learnt that just when you are getting over exam stress and panic, life will throw at you yet more stuff to worry and stress over. That is why, during summer, I may be working on 'honing my skills' (that is a weird phrase...feel free to erase it from your mind) in creating videos and taking photos, but at the same time I am going to relax for 80% of the time. In life one must be happy and staying in bed, past an acceptable time, keeps me happy! Good Morning? What is this strange 'morning' you speaketh of?

Anyway....on with the photos.....

Gloucester Cathedral:

Okay. When I heard the history department had planned a trip to Berkeley Castle and Gloucester Cathedral, I felt slightly lacklustre. I mean I love history, but compared to trips to the Globe Theatre and the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff (for English and Media), I did not think this day would measure up. But then, I realised one thing....HARRY POTTER! The cathedral was used as a filming location for the first, second and sixth Harry Potter films and if there is one thing I love, it is Harry Potter!!!!

 It is Daniel Radcliffe!!!! Only is just some random man but if you are a fan of the Harry Potter films, then you should recognise the hallway. Soak the photo in and be transported, slightly, to Hogwarts. 

This is supposedly the wall in which, in 'The Chamber of Secrets', a message was written in blood...'The Chamber of secrets has been opened...enemies of the heir beware...'

You will find, during this trip, I very much enjoyed taking pictures of windows....because I am cool like that....and the lighting often looks really great...

This image really reminds me of the Harry Potter not know why....

Another window....because yet again I am cool....

The reason we visited the cathedral...Edward II's tomb....still convinced that Harry Potter is slightly more important...but medieval history is fascinating, Edward II being especially he really buried here? I really do not know....

Berkeley Castle:

This castle is where Edward II was kept captive and notoriously rumoured to be murdered by a red hot poker being shoved up....that place which must not be named (guess the reference?)...or by suffocation...or he may have just fled... Either which way, this castle was really cool to visit, even if it looks like I took more photos of butterflies compared to anything else....

They had a butterfly house and with the perfect zoom function on my camera, I could not resist seeing what kind of photos I could take....this is an Atlas Moth (I think) and it was terrifying and huge...thus this photo is taken from across the would have to force me at gunpoint to get any closer...

From butterflies to a dungeon....just because....

This is where Edward II was kept....until he met his unfortunate demise...or will never be known...unless I invent a time machine which is totally feasible....maybe.....

 Another window....because I am obsessed....

Window and get the picture by now....

This woman...I forget her name because I sometimes have a memory like a sieve...had 'Midsummer Night's Dream' written for her....I think Shakespeare was commissioned by an admirer...which is cool because it is an awesome play....

Just when you thought the window photos were over....

Just when you thought the butterfly photos were over....

The castle..which is smaller than you first imagine...  The cool fact is that it has been home to the same family (the Berkeley family) for around 900 years...still to this day... and I also think it is really cool that the University of California Berkeley is named after a family member (or so we were told) is a small world...

London-King's College University: (these images were taken on my phone...thus are not as good....)

My parents and I visited King's College Open Day in London and it was amazing. However, I love the city but not the university. Strand Campus is amazing, both the buildings and location (it is extremely close to both the National Theatre and...."drum roll please".....GLOBE THEATRE....)... I want to live in the Globe Theatre...if there is one thing you should do, is watch a Shakespeare play in this theatre...preferably 'Midsummer Night's Dream' like I was able to...  It was a life changing that consolidated my passion for language, the written word and media (even if the theatre and not film or television). The location is great, London being a hotpot of experiences and a fantastic sensory overload, however the course did not live up to what I had originally hoped...

Because any day is not complete unless a coffee drink is involved...

Look how clean the water looks!!!....not....

AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!....that is all I will say!

Big Ben...Houses of Parliament and some tourists.....

Somerset House is right next door to King's College campus....I repeat, the whole area is amazing...

Big Ben and the London Eye...because I am a little bit of a tourist inside still...

Well....I hope you have enjoyed this post, even if no review or recommendation has been included. I promise I will include a detailed review next week...until then why don't you try Penny Dreadful (a television show) in the meantime. I give it a 3.5/5 so it is worth giving a try....Dracula, Frankenstein and Dorian Grey...what else could you want from gothic horror...the answer is nothing....nothing at all....

Goodbye for now!!!!