Saturday 15 August 2015

I am off to University. It is Fantastic!

Hello People of the Internet!

   I am not afraid to share that it has been a completely crazy week, a welcome break from the monotonous cycle of waking up, grabbing the laptop and situating myself on the sofa (read 'training myself in the fine art of becoming a couch potato). On Thursday 'Results Day' finally arrived; the period of endless tension and waiting was ended once and for all. It is a welcome relief for many people, whether they achieve the results they hoped for or at the very least are given the chance to plan for the future and begin to take a different path. It must be remembered that, whatever happens, is meant to happen, one must remember that a specific University, one you have been aiming for throughout college, may not be the only route to reach set goals. If a University rejects you solely on grades, maybe it was not meant to be. More than likely, someone will always end up on the path they are meant to take, if you enter Clearing for another University, maybe it will serve you better than your original plan. The 'problem', fantastic thing about life, is that there is an endless world of opportunity out there for everyone. Providing you 'put the work in' and 'don't give up hope', very cliche I know, no closed door completely means the end of a goal or dream. Obstacles should only make us more determined.

I am a slight hypocrite I suppose, having fortunately been able to 'achieve' the University I aimed for originally but that does not mean that there was and still won't be obstacles. Of the five universities I applied for, one did in fact reject my application and though the course offered there sounded great, I have decided the rejection simply does not matter. I still managed to choose a wonderful University and received an Unconditional offer prior to Results day, and will now show those whom said 'no', what I can do and what I am capable of. I am not perfect, far from it, but I am hard-working. I know that wherever I end up in the end I will undoubtedly try my hardest and achieve my upmost best. For now it is time to have fun 'preparing for University' i.e. I am going to buy so much awesome stuff!!

My education, up to this point, has been a long road, probably focused on grades more so than is possibly healthy. Specifically, recalling my first year of college, I remember suddenly being asked, put on the spot, to think about what I wanted to achieve by the time I leave, and more importantly, what I envisioned I would be doing after college. Of course, for me, I knew the goal was always going to be University, but in terms of a career and the further future, I think that was always more questionable, shrouded in a blurry plan and vague idea. I remember in year 10, early year 11, I wanted to be a paediatric doctor aided by the fact I was always good at the sciences. However, one day, I just woke up and realised my heart wasn't in it. So at college I took four A levels that simply interested me; History, English Literature, Biology (I couldn't give up all sciences) and Media Studies, with an EPQ in the History of Horror. If I am to offer any real advice it is to pursue your interests and not what you feel are expectations. So I let go of my doctor 'dream' and just realised if I ever wanted to be truly happy I had to aim for the Media industry. Films and TV will always captivate me above all else. Now, two year later and five A*'s, I am off to study Film at University. I do not believe I am ever particularly the smartest person in any room. I am just determined and pursuing something I am passionate about. Taking subjects I was interested in, wanted to excel at, is undoubtedly the reason I got the grades I wanted. Looking back, to some degree I enjoyed every essay and every project.

In my opinion, one of the most important factors in deciding which University to go to, is going to the open days on offer. When you walk around the campus, if you feel comfortable in the atmosphere and can imagine yourself buying coffee from the campus cafe or see yourself reading in the library, then it is the place for you! On my interview day, at my future University, I felt comfortable. It may not be the highest in league tables for my chosen subject of Film but it does not matter. I liked it there so I am determined to succeed there.

The strange thing about pursuing Media and falling into a Film degree is that many people seem shocked it is what I have chosen with the grades I achieve. But, at the end of the day, grades do not scratch the surface of any person or life in general. There is so much more to success then grades and in my opinion, to be successful, I had to be content and happy in the subject I chose to explore further at Uni. Sometimes I struggle more with creativity, whether it writing a short story for English coursework or editing a TV sequence for Media coursework, but it is that struggle that urges me on and not the grades that dictate me (though getting the grades I aimed for was my personal perfect way to close the college chapter of my life). Without this epiphany, to pursue my interests in college, the position and future ahead of me would be completely different. Yes, being a doctor could be more secure and less tenuous or competitive then the Media industry but, it would not challenge me creatively on a daily basis, or satisfy my need to release my imagination and break the cycle of monotony life can sometimes become.

Results day arrived this year, and like every time I prepared for the worst. I second guessed myself as I always do, telling everyone that I really thought I hadn't done as well this time and that the exams felt incredibly 'different' or 'difficult' this year. This was not to purposefully try and project a fake facade of modesty, I really felt worried that I had not achieved my personal 'grade goals'. Stress does some crazy things and I thought it had completely messed up some of my exams. All in all, I was happy and can now finally focus on University without the worry, at the back of my head, that I had not achieved my personal goals and grades!

If any of you have managed to keep reading this post, then you deserve a medal or something. At the end of the day, I guess the message I am trying to present is that the only thing that matters, in deciding your future path, is you! Your interests. Your happiness. Your personal goals. Do not compare yourself to other's standards or let grades and a certain University dictate to you who you are through rejection. It is up to you!

"Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us? And who holds the key that can set us's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight!" (Sucker Punch 2011)

Mini Review: Fantastic Four (2015)

Disappointment. The only positive I can possibly think to say, is that the world of the 'Fantastic Four' benefits greatly from more modern visual effects and technology, compared to the original films. Apart from that, I am afraid to say that everything in the original films outstrips the more recent adaptation, whether it the cast, writing or action. The last fighting sequence lasts no more then what seems like 10 minutes and thus the film leaves an unsatisfying bitter taste in the mouth of those who view it. I will always back the superhero/comic book genre of film, however it feels like this release was only created in order to capitalise on the recent popularity of superheroes, in a bid to achieve more profit. If you are interested in the 'Fantastic Four' comics, I would stick to the original films, if you have to watch the more recent release, try and merge the films together in your mind. Impose the light hearted humour and awesome action of the previous creations, into the more updated visual world.  
Note: Image is not mine but those above review are. ;) My images are to remind you there is always 'light at the end of the tunnel...a path or road to travel'! 

Goodbye! Once again, keep on watching random stuff...go for all opportunities offered to you...and just keep smiling. 

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