Monday 17 February 2014

Daily Recommendation: MOODY MONDAY (and Baby Daddy)


As I have a week-long break off from college (THANK GOD!!!) I am going to use the opportunity to make short, but daily, recommendations on what I believe are interesting and entertaining television shows and films to watch.

Today, the recommendation I have chosen, in hopes that anyone who reads this will try at least one episode, is Baby Daddy (produced by ABC Family).

This show, can be cheesy and cliche ,with some of the jokes, but nevertheless I am glad I found it. It is a lighthearted show, that can give you an escape from an otherwise hectic and tiring reality. It does have some surprisingly funny laughs, and for a family show, has managed to create some interesting characters that an audience can easily become invested in. Considering two of the actors/actresses (that I know of) have appeared on Disney (Jean-Luc Bilodeau and Chelsea Kane), this show is not just for kids, far from it. It caters for a wide range of viewers.

The main reason I believe this show has been successful, more so than what people probably thought it would be, is because the on-screen chemistry and familiar relationships, between characters, is very 'real'. You can tell all these people get on with each other, on and off the set, and not just because they are all being paid. For lack of a better term, I think all the cast are really cool!

Ultimately, the show can be frustrating. following the story of Ben Wheeler (Bilodeau) and the fact he has suddenly been handed a daughter to raise called Emma. His struggle to find his feet with his roommate Tucker (Taj Mowry) and older brother Danny (Derek Theler) helping him along the way (...actually, they probably make it that much more of a struggle) is interesting to watch. There is plenty of drama, with Danny pining for his childhood friend Riley (Chelsea Kane), even if she used to be 'fat pants', but Riley still being hopelessly in love with Ben. Think Shakespeare's 'Midsummer's Nights Dream', everyone in love with someone else, but Taj is in love with his apartment (he labels his food...sections his fridge....overall he is a good human being) and any girl that is in the general vicinity.

To top of these confused relationships, we have Bonnie. What can I say about Bonnie? Ben and Danny's mother. Fantastically funny women (maybe the funniest character). Played by Melissa Peterman, the character Bonnie is a much needed element that makes the show slightly more unique, and when paired with everyone else, creates a happy show. It is happy, and in a world of troubles and stressful work (I feel your pain college students), happiness is needed. 

I give this show about a 3.5/5.
Definitely watch this show and accept it for what it is. This ABC family project, is not a big-budget franchise TV show, but it is still worth a watch. When you are tired and are looking for a show to 'switch off' and watch, this is one of the best. The sets are not overly complicated, the camera work not the most cinematic, but this show is not without merit.  With a cute baby and talented/funny cast, it will put a smile on your face. Give this show a chance. Hopefully you will not be disappointed! You may even become invested in the characters' lives. I am still desperately hoping that Danny and Riley finally get together. I am sorry Ben...just move out of the way. 
Being another show from Dan Berendsen; 'Baby Daddy is family friendly and worth the watch all the same. 

I hope this recommendation rallies you into trying the show out, here are some images (most are probably, extremely air-brushed...I desperately hope anyway....or it is really unfair) for you to peruse. I will speak to you all tomorrow with Tuesday's recommendation. Like vampires that do not sparkle? Stay tuned! (sorry for that is over used but gets the job done I guess). Goodbye!!! ;)

WHOOOOO!!! I had a similar reaction, as Derek Theler, when I discovered Lucy Hale (from Pretty Little Liars) was in one episode. It was a good episode!

Ben (Jean-Luc Bilodeau)....I am sure that is not how you are supposed to hold a baby....and the duct tape...let us just ignore that....moving on....swiftly.

Derek Theler plays Danny Wheeler. He is very tall. I have this hypothesis that he is half giant...either way, I wish I was just as tall. :(

Taj Mowry portrays Tucker. He is very small. Probably closer to my height to be honest. And he has almost an OCD-quality, when it comes to his apartment (which is fair enough, I am similarly,very protective of my bedroom). 

Melissa Peterman (Bonnie Wheeler- the Wheeler mum, no matter how much she may try to deny it). She is funny. That is all the audience need to know. 

And finally Chelsea Kane plays the character Riley. She has had many 'boyfriends' in the show, including Fitch (Matt's a Kyle XY reunion!.... between Bilodeau and Dallas). Unfortunately, Fitch is not a super powered experiment here....I was disappointed! Riley also had a thing, extremely short lived, with Ben but I am still waiting for Danny to step up....desperately waiting....

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