Wednesday 5 March 2014

Cardiff Comic Con! (yes I am a nerd/geek...whatever people call it)

I will be writing something a bit different in this post, not a review exactly, just sharing my experience when I chose to go to Cardiff Comic Con....

One word. One word can sum up Comic Con, and that is crazy! Mental! Fun! (Okay maybe more than one word can describe it). Literally, every possible fandom under the sun, small and large, were at this thing and it was awesome. More importantly, I could release my inner geek without the people around me shifting two seats away....which has never happened....probably...

With comic con, I spent way too much money on stuff, how could I not, but could have spent way much more. Thank God I didn't! At every turn, I was bombarded with television shows and films I love and I couldn't help but hand over some cash. It was life or death! Seriously! I needed to buy all the stuff I did, to survive. 

And what did I get? I hear you call! (...held at gunpoint to ensure you do). Well what I bought, specifically, is unimportant except for the fandoms the things represent. Television shows and films that must be watched (once again remember you are at gunpoint). 
I managed to buy stuff related to:

. Arrow (duh, I have already reviewed this and it is still fantastic)

. Vampire Diaries and The Originals ( because Stefan, Elena, Damon and Klaus are characters that make good entertainment!)

. Harry Potter (because who doesn't need a time turner? was not a waste of money....really!)

. Comics (because the new Xmen movie, Days Of Future Past, is coming out and I AM SO EXCITED!!!)

. Hunger Games (because this is an amazing series, both book and film, that cannot be missed....seriously Jennifer I need to say anymore?).

. SUPERNATURAL. Where do I start? This show is in the ninth season at the moment and it is perfect! Due to having lasted, much longer than some other shows, the writers consistently know what to include in the show, to entertain. Whether it be hilarious scenes or dramatic tension between two brothers, this show will captivate you from the get go. If I could, I would give the show a well deserved 6/5 because it is that good.
I will probably dedicate a whole review to Supernatural in the future, when I have enough time to do it justice, but until then all I can say is watch it....or live an unfulfilled life! Once you do, you will not be able to operate without the weekly struggles of Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki), not to mention Castiel (Misha Collins)! This supernatural, action, comedy, horror genre amalgamation (sorry for the fancy typed itself) becomes a religion amongst it's audience! I was so pleased that Supernatural items could be purchased at Comic Con and I bought many things (read too much here).

Ultimately, one of, if not the best part of the convention apart from the atmosphere and dedication people had put into outfits, was being able to meet (and get an autograph from)...EVE MYLES!!! For those of you, who do not know who this is, poor poor people, she is an actress best known for her portrayal as Gwen Cooper on Torchwood (spin-off of Doctor Who).
Eve Myles is amazingly talented and even though I acted like a complete mental case when I saw her ("Have you travelled far?......'ENGLAND!') I am thankful I at least got the chance to say 'Hi'! (over enthusiastically). Torchwood is a great show, with unique sci-fi story lines. In some ways, it is a more 'grown up Doctor Who', and once again you should try it! What could you possibly lose? Nothing, unless you do not like it...then you may have wasted around forty minutes of your life....however, the chance that you will dislike it is very small.

Apart from that, there is not much else to say. The day consisted of me stressing out over what to buy....I stress out all the isn't good....meeting Eve Myles and, finally, staring in awe and admiration at the many fantastically interesting people that showed up in Cardiff. The moral of this little story is, if you ever have a chance to visit a Comic Con Convention, then do it. DO IT! It is a whole other world where you are free from judgement and can immerse yourself in any fandom you love. Seriously, everything was there from a Monster Inc. 'Sulley', or Adventure time's 'Jake' (we share the same name so....had to mention him). It is cheap entry for Comic Con but far from a cheap day! I will most definitely be returning to one (when I have more money).

Thank You for reading! I hope I have enticed you into considering Comic Con, just research and find one where the guests interest you!
Here are some images. I did not take that many I am afraid. It was crowded, if you stood still for too long, then you could have been swept away in the glorious madness!

Yes....this is what you think it is...a cardboard transformer! A blurry cardboard transformer! Seriously, watching him walk was kind of funny so I shook a lot! But the effort is amazing!

Its 'mew mew'!....THOR'S HAMMER! will understand the reference if you watch the Thor sequel...I hope!

This amazingly shot picture....note the that spirit thing from the Japanese film 'Spirited Away' by Studio Ghibli. I think it could be called 'No-Face? Whatever it's name, the movie is really unique and should also be given a watch. 

This is me, I was previously wearing an 11th Doctor bow-tie, but it was rather warm in the hall. Next to me is Captain Jack Sparrow and yes, my smile is rather awkward. I cannot smile at all and it was creepy how well this man acted so much like the character....he had the drunk wavering hand-thing and everything!

THE BATMOBILE!!!!! Enough said.

Yes....this is Monster Inc's Sulley next to some ghostbusters! A completely normal occurrence! It is blurry because I tripped on the way out of the room...I am sorry I am clumsy!

A wide shot of the convention hall....probably only a handful of the overall crowd (the 10th Doctor as well) but you get the picture! 

EVE MYLES!!! Enough said.

A high angle shot that once again, shows how many people arrived on the day (this time we can see the 11th Doctor....fez and all!) There has been a regeneration, in the space of two camera shots!

Torchwood Outfits!! Enough said...once again!

Indiana Jones' gun and whip....I stared at it for like two minutes and then had a freak out when I realised what it was....another good selection of films!

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