Thursday 16 January 2014

Apologies, being soaked and Teen Wolf!

It has been quite a while since my last review, due to the fact college work has become mental! And for that, I apologise!!! Ever since coming back after the christmas break, the work load for coursework and revision has increased dramatically. However, this has given me all the more reason to immerse myself into a variety of new television shows and media! 

After walkng into Cirencester town centre from college, and getting thoroughly drenched, I am sat here at college listening to music (Young the Giant-listen to them, some of the songs are really great) and writing the third review for this blog. I should probably be revising for my test tomorrow. Oh well...I am too tired!
  Now, without further ado, my review on the television show Teen Wolf shall begin, hopefully, if I stop my persistent babbling.
  Teen Wolf (MTV) has recently returned for season 3B, after a hiatus, for a many months, after the first twelve episodes of the season had aired. The split in the season, though highly annoying, has enabled the story to shift rather drastically and thus I have been given the chance to see all the characters face a range of newly created problems.
   For some reason, when I have mentioned watching Teen Wolf to people around me in college, despite a large and devoted fan following, not many people have cared and are themselves dubious about checking out any episodes. Well I say, throw away those doubts and bound into this show. You will not look back! Like me, you will become a dog with a bone...or a wolf! ;)

   Considering some MTV shows are extremely short-lived, this show has everything I need in an enjoyable watch. Even from the pilot episode, I was captivated in the way music I had never even heard before, appeared to reinforce the feelings of each scene. Ultimately, the soundtrack chosen, at all times in the seasons, is able to perfectly reflect what is being watched.

   The overall storyline, despite the television show deriving from the 1985 movie of the same name, starring Michael J Foxx, follows a completely new and fresh direction and plot. It does not fail to suprise, even if at sometimes one episode can seem to go too fast whilst being watched. With the storyline, the characters that have been created and adapted, are intricate and interesting, especially as we move into the second half of the third season and they begin having to deal with a range of psychological ordeals (it is a whole mess of trouble including a tree stump, sacrifies and ice baths, you will have to check it out to fully understand). ;)

   What suprised me about the show, most of all, is how cinematic and artisitic the directing is. More so than I see in a lot of other shows, an ecletic variety of out of focus shots, canted angles and even simple slow motion sequences, create "mini-movies" within each episode. Around forty minutes of action and drama that forces my eyes to be glued to the television screen, enticing me to spend time writing a review in the first place!

  The problem with Teen Wolf, is the fact the audience are always left wanting more, dramatic lighting and an abundance of different events happening in the fictional Beacon Halls, will leave you unfairly frustrated week by week. It is one of those shows that, due to raising many quality questions, there is never any reprieve or relaxation. If you are going to watch the show, ensure you are ready for the full-throttle ride it is, it may be cliche but you will get invested and feel the need to "pack" your bags to camp in your living room, desperately trying to survive the withdrawl symptoms between episodes.
   To finish off, I think it imperative to mention the cast itself. These people have amazing chemistry together and the actors and actresses, along with the developer Jeff Davies, are able to truly and visually convince me, and hopefully you, of everything occuring. Every emotion becomes real; every joke remains funny. Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, Crystal Reed, Tyler Hoechlin and Holland Roden, all especially have the talent needed to keep this show trudging along, slowly but surely.

For these reasons, and numerous more, I give this show:

Ultimately, MTV have managed to create a good show. There is a soundtrack that strongly supports all scenes, charismatic characters that are pulled off by the actors and an interesting storyline that breathes life into the almost archaic werewolf lore.
I have nothing else to say and have exhausted my vocabulary (until the next review anyways) so go and give this show a chance. :)

Next Reviews: Gravity or American Hustle (I am undecided) and American Horror Story: Coven (TV)Now, like last time, I leave you with a montage of some Teen Wolf moments sadly not taken by me this week (My boxset is being borrowed by someone...I know I am way too kind... I really should charge people to take my dvds). Until the next review, don't let anyone tell you to stop watching TV :D

*Tyler Posey portrays Scott McCall- our original (but not only one to appear) 'Teen Wolf', all fanged out for your viewing pleasure!

* Tyler Hoechlin portrays Derek Hale- Born a werewolf and so 'sour'/'grumpy' that every smile is way too creepy!!!

*Dylan O'Brien portrays Stiles Stilinksi the trusted sidekick. 'Stiles' is not his real name, but that remains one of the biggest mysteries of the show....all you need to know is that he is funny and talks...a lot!  Big shipping, I believe with Derek (known as Sterek). Sounds like a type of cheese...anyways, onto the next character.

*Crystal Reed portrays Allison Argent who may, or may not, be a 'hunter' who is way to trigger happy with her bow and arrow at times. Yes she uses a bow and arrow and yes, it is outdated but still awesome!

*Lydia Martin is portrayed by Holland Roden. Not quite as 'at home' with a bow and arrow (quiver) in her hand but she likes to scream. Frequently. Which is important because she is quite the 'wailing woman' (research it ;)

* Finally, Jackson Whittemore is portrayed by Colton Haynes ( first two seasons before he left and now appears on ARROW!!!) Jackson is arrogant and yup...that sums the character up for the majority of episodes!

Thanks for reading if you made it to the end!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for poor image layout!!! Tried to fix it for ages but then I got frustrated, then I ate a cookie and now I am going to leave it alone before I break something! Enjoy the review anyway!!!
